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Can Shelf-Stable Beverages be Fortified with a Probiotic?


Functional beverages are moving from specialty stores into mass retail and grocery store chains. The growth in the industry can be attributed to a more informed and selective consumer who is proactively trying to take care of their health by paying attention to what they consume. Overall, this shift in consumer attitude is upping the demand for new offerings in the functional beverage space. But as noted, probiotics can come with manufacturing, shelf life and survivability challenges. So what to do with beverages that require an extended or non-refrigerated shelf life?

Innovations Like Straws and Caps are Possible Solutions

Straws may be lined with probiotics (or other nutrients in some products) that then cleave off as the consumer sips the liquid up the straw. Additionally, caps may contain a nutritional powder in the lid, which, when pushed down, releases the powder into the beverage container.

BC30™ is Suitable for Shelf-stable Beverages

With innovations in packaging and BC30™ probiotic (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086)’s unique shelf-stable properties, there are many possibilities. For example, you can find BC30 in straws that can be used in both refrigerated and shelf-stable milk or juice boxes, pouches and bottles. Caps on beverage bottles can also deliver the probiotic benefits of BC30. These caps hold quantities of powdered ingredients in a hermetically sealed, protected chamber and release them when the consumer breaks the seal. Additionally, Bc30 is suitable for shelf-stable powdered beverages including protein powders, beverage mixes, and tea & coffee. These options and others provide easy ways to formulate a wide range of beverages, beyond typical dairy products, from tea to waters to high-pressure-process juices.


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